Touching the Heart of God:
Clean Hands & A Pure Heart (PDF Download)
Did you know that how we choose to live our lives impacts our prayer life either for good, or for bad? For out of the abundance of what is in our hearts will directly affect our communication and our walk with the Lord. And that relationship that we have with Him, depending on how pure our hearts are, will affect every other relationship we have – either for good, or for bad.
In Touching the Heart of God – Clean Hands & A Pure Heart, Tracy lays a foundation for the Bride of Messiah to walk upon that will help that Bridal Company to be prepared for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb, all the while entering into a deeper, intimate relationship with Yeshua through that place of intercessory prayer.
It is written for those who will overcome by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of their testimony and who will not love their own life, unto death. For those who are hungering and thirsting for a deeper, more intimate walk with the Lover of their soul, and who are dissatisfied with the lukewarm and ordinary. It is for those who will say, “Yes” to the Bride’s Invite to help them better understand the price to be paid.
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