These parables are an account of my real-life encounters with the Good Shepherd, which are by His divine design, and contain the heavenly jewels of revelation, wisdom and priceless lessons in leadership and stewardship that He has graciously taught me. These encounters began soon after arriving in Ireland in late September 2015. They take place on the countless prayer walks we have done, walking the beautiful farmland and coastal shores in County Kerry. They are what I call Living Parables where the Master Teacher has me walk something out in the natural, then makes me very aware He is there to teach me a spiritual lesson, wanting me to see another facet of His beautiful Good Shepherd’s heart.
With that introduction it is my humblest honor to be able to share the Good Shepherd’s heart with you. I pray that these accountings will bless you, strengthen you and encourage you as you run to finish the race that is set before you. May you hear the Good Shepherd’s voice calling you closer to His bosom – deeper into His heart. Calling you into the eternal plans He has for you – to be the Bride of Messiah!

Vol. 1 No. 1: Rescue, Heal and Restore
Vol. 1 No. 2: The Wilderness – A Journey of Intimacy
Vol. 1 No. 3: Yours Is The Kingdom – Nothing Can Stand Against It!
Vol. 1 No. 4: There Is No Fear In Love!
Vol. 2 No. 1: He Gently Leads Those That Have Young
Vol. 2 No. 2: Keep Asking, Keep Seeking – Keep Knocking
Vol. 2 No. 3: His Ways Are Not Our Ways
Vol. 2 No. 4: His Patience Wins Many
Vol. 2. No. 5: Blinded By Pain
Vol. 2. No. 6: Resurrection Life!
Vol. 3. No. 1: Things Are Not As They Seem!
Vol. 3. No. 2: Release Is Coming.
Vol. 3. No. 3: Recover, Redeem And Restore!
Vol. 4. No. 1: A Holy Hunger!
Vol. 5. No. 1: To Know Him
Vol. 5. No. 2: Hard Pressed, Yet Not Crushed!
Vol. 6. No. 1: A Very Present Help in Trouble!

“Come let us return to the Lord, for He has torn so He can heal us, He has stricken so He can bind up our wounds. For how great is Your goodness and how great is Your beauty Lord” (Hosea 6:1, Zechariah 9:17).