Song of Solomon 6:8-9

“There are sixty queens and eighty concubines, and virgins without number; But my dove, my undefiled and perfect one, stands alone [above them all]; she is the only one of her mother, she is the choice one of her who bore her. The daughters saw her and called her blessed and happy, yes, the queens and the concubines, and they praised her.”

Ministry Updates

Jun. 13, 2024: Ministry Update
Dec. 31, 2023: Year-end Report
Jun. 19, 2023: Ministry Update
Dec. 31, 2022: Year-end Report
Jun. 22, 2022: Ministry Update
Dec. 31, 2021: Year-end Report
Jun. 21, 2021: Ministry Update
Dec. 31, 2020: Year-end Report
Jun. 14, 2020: Ministry Update
Dec. 31, 2019: Year-end Report
Jun. 2, 2019: Ministry Update
Dec. 31, 2018: Year-end Report
Aug. 12, 2018: Ministry Update
May 7, 2018: My People Are Not Ready
Dec. 31, 2017: Year-end Report
Mar. 6, 2017: My Judgements are My Mercy

Dec. 27, 2016: Urgent Call to Prayer

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