The Commissioning
In December 2012, the Lord Yeshua asked Tracy if she would be willing to do a work for Him in Ireland, for a year or two. It was not an easy question for Tracy to answer, but soon after, the Lord made it clear that this was His direction for her life. It was a hard word to hear, but she quickly said, “Yes, Lord, yes, I will go – I will obey.”
Afterwards, Tracy struggled with this word for a few weeks; it was hard for her to imagine living in Ireland again, with the spiritual climate being so dark and not knowing anyone there who was like-minded in spirit. But she was determined to obey, no matter what the cost, and started desperately seeking the Lord for timing and location saying, “Lord there is no point moving there if it is not in Your perfect timing, and where exactly in Ireland do You want me to live.”
For the next two and half years, the Lord had been preparing her for this move in countless ways, one way being she was to be there by Yom Kippur, 2015. It also became clear that she would be there for two years, not one, and that once she got there the work He was asking her to do would be made known in more detail. The Lord also prepared her by letting her know that when it was time to move it would be a “jumping” meaning “a suddenly.” True to His word, in the middle of August 2015, her time had come. She gave notice and quit her job, sold the car, emptied the apartment, and left behind all that was familiar and beloved to her. She had very little provision, but with a heart full of faith that the Lord would provide, Tracy arrived in Ireland on September 20, 2015.
Less than two-weeks after arriving, in the rural area in which the Lord had directed her to live, on the eighth day of Sukkot, while in prayer, the Lord revealed the work that He has purposed for her to do. Tracy has been commissioned by the Lord to raise up 32 houses of prayer – one house of prayer for each county in Ireland. Each house of prayer is to be 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. It is a work that she does not take lightly, but only with great fear and trembling of the Lord Yeshua.
Her heart has felt the weight of this work even more so, since a prophetic word was revealed to her from a tried and true tested saint, while in Jerusalem in June 2015. The two had never met before, but the Lord, knowing that Tracy needed to know His word for Ireland, divinely arranged this meeting. The summation of the word is this: This land will be covered in water – either with tears of weeping over the sins in this nation and for rejecting Truth, or with floodwaters of destruction. The Lord’s heart is that we cover this land with our tears of repentance; therefore, pivotal will be the raising up of these Houses of Prayer in helping to rebuild the Golden Altar of Incense before His throne of grace and mercy (Revelation 8:3).
See the Prophecy section of this website to read the prophetic word for Ireland in its’ entirety.